Our Firm
Murane & Bostwick, LLC, with offices in Casper and Cheyenne, is engaged in the practice of law throughout Wyoming. We represent businesses and individuals as close as our next door neighbors to multi-national corporations.
Our beginnings
The firm became a partnership in 1949 and a limited liability company in 1997. Our beginnings, however, date back to 1926 when the late Edward E. Murane opened his law office in Casper. Ed Murane was a leader in numerous legal organizations, holding many state and national offices and chairmanships over his nearly 50 years as a practicing attorney. Richard R. Bostwick, who joined Ed Murane in 1949, retired from the firm in 1992. Both Dick and Ed were tough-minded advocates for the firm’s clients – compromising and compassionate where appropriate, demanding and tenacious when necessary. The philosophy of the firm’s founders remains its cornerstone.
How we approach an assignment
Once an assignment is accepted, each problem or activity is analyzed from the standpoint of the client, taking into account the nature of the problem or assignment, the human and technical resources required to accomplish the desired goal, the risks and rewards of a particular course of action and the client’s financial capacity to carry out any particular activity.
We make use of legal assistants and investigators where their services will be as effective as that of a lawyer, at substantially less cost to the client. We do not assign a senior partner to a task which an associate or junior member of the firm can handle as well. Where more than a single lawyer is required, Murane & Bostwick has the personnel and resources to administer, supervise and complete any complex assignment within the areas of our practice.
When litigation is the only option
Our firm is engaged daily in litigation in state and federal courts in Wyoming, where we enjoy a reputation for hard-nosed advocacy, pursued without the all-too-prevalent vitriolic hostility toward opposing counsel or parties, which we believe seldom serves the client’s interests and almost always results in increased costs.
Our commitment to the legal profession and to our communities
Our lawyers and legal assistants are members of and active in numerous professional and civic organizations, including the Wyoming State Bar, the American Bar Association, county bar associations, the International Association of Defense Counsel, the Defense Lawyer’s Association of Wyoming, the Defense Research Institute, the Trucking Industry Defense Association, Trial Attorneys of America, the American Bar Foundation, the Ewing T. Kerr Inn of Court, the Legal Assistants of Wyoming, the National Association of Legal Assistants, as well as service clubs and other civic and business organizations.
Murane & Bostwick, LLC is a member of ALFA International, the global legal network. With 145 member firms across the globe (80 in the United States and 70 across Canada, Mexico, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa), ALFA International is the premier global network of independent law firms whose success is driven by broad, deep, local relationships all over the world. The ALFA International model enables Murane & Bostwick to use its local expertise to deliver highly effective legal solutions while drawing upon the collective wisdom and experience of other member firms within the United States and around the world as needed. More information is available at www.alfainternational.com
Our commitment to excellence
Murane & Bostwick’s lawyers are active in presenting seminars and lectures on various legal topics to employers, medical and employment professionals, the recreation industry, the insurance industry and to other members of the legal community, and are contributing authors to and editors of various legal publications, including the Wyoming Trial Handbook, the Product Liability Desk Reference – a 50 State Compendium, Business Torts, A Fifty-State Guide, and the National Business Institute.
The firm is an “AV” rated firm (the highest ranking) in the Martindale Hubbell Legal Directory. We are a U.S. News ”Best Law Firm,” and two of our attorneys have been selected as “Super Lawyers” by Mountain States Super Lawyers.
Fees and costs
Murane & Bostwick prides itself in providing quality legal services at a reasonable cost. While the ultimate cost of handling a particular matter is seldom known in advance, you are invited to discuss the subject of legal fees with our lawyers, as well as with attorneys outside this firm. In addition to hourly rates, we will consider blended, flat, contingent and other fee arrangements.
Please feel free to contact any of our attorneys to discuss your legal needs.
Requests or Inquiries Concerning Representation
If you are interested in exploring the possibility of legal representation by Murane & Bostwick, you are invited to contact us by mail, email, through a legal services website or by telephone. However, we represent hundreds of businesses, corporations, individuals, insurance companies, and others. In order to avoid the creation of a conflict of interest, the information that you provide in the initial contact of our firm should be limited to the nature of the issue, complaint or purpose, without detail. In other words, all we need to know to begin with is the identity of the person or entity on the other side, and the general nature of the issue or dispute. That information will enable us to conduct a conflict check to determine whether we already represent another party in the matter or that there is some other conflict that would present a problem in representing you.
Murane & Bostwick, LLC has prepared this website for general informational purposes only. This website is not an offer to represent you. You should not act, nor refrain from acting, based upon any information contained within this website. Neither the information in this website, nor your receipt of it, creates an attorney-client relationship. Telephoning, sending electronic mail or other communications of any kind to our firm will not create an attorney-client relationship nor will it impose any obligation on Murane & Bostwick, LLC or any of its lawyers. Until an attorney-client relationship is established, any communication of any kind will not be privileged, may not be secure and may be inadvertently disclosed to other persons. Therefore, you should not send us any communication that contains confidential or sensitive information. We will not provide legal advice or opinions to you unless we have established an attorney-client relationship.
The Wyoming State Bar does not certify any lawyer as a specialist or expert. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate the lawyer’s credentials and ability, and not rely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise